Configuration ============= behave_command -------------- The command used to run behave. By default, ``BehaveToolkit`` tries to find ``behave`` in your environment. Change this setting if you want to specifically set how ``behave`` gets executed. Open ``Preferences > Package Settings > BehaveToolkit > Settings - User`` and paste the following (for example): .. code-block:: json { "behave_command": ["/Users/mixxorz/.virtualenvs/myproject/bin/behave"] } You can override the setting in your the sublime-project file of your project too. This will take priority over the global settings. *myproject.sublime-project* .. code-block:: json { "folders": [ { "path": "/Users/mixxorz/Projects/myproject" } ], "settings": { "behave_command": ["/Users/mixxorz/.virtualenvs/myproject/bin/behave"] } } If you're using `behave-django`_, another project by me which integrates ``behave`` and ``Django``, you can configure ``behave_command`` like this. .. code-block:: json { "behave_command": [ "/Users/mixxorz/.virtualenvs/myproject/bin/python", "/Users/mixxorz/Projects/myproject/", "behave" ] } .. _behave-django: