

The command used to run behave.

By default, BehaveToolkit tries to find behave in your environment. Change this setting if you want to specifically set how behave gets executed.

Open Preferences > Package Settings > BehaveToolkit > Settings - User and paste the following (for example):

  "behave_command": ["/Users/mixxorz/.virtualenvs/myproject/bin/behave"]

You can override the setting in your the sublime-project file of your project too. This will take priority over the global settings.


      "path": "/Users/mixxorz/Projects/myproject"
    "behave_command": ["/Users/mixxorz/.virtualenvs/myproject/bin/behave"]

If you’re using behave-django, another project by me which integrates behave and Django, you can configure behave_command like this.

  "behave_command": [